You know, the Proverbs 31 lady is pretty perfect at a lot of things, but this one really gets me. How in the world can she laugh at the future?
How can she relax when she doesn’t know what lies around the corner? How can she embrace the future when she doesn’t know what it holds?
Doesn’t she know that something could happen to her children? Or to her? Is there never any worry about vaccinations or developmental milestones or too much screen time or the influence of peers? What about her finances? Perhaps she’s never had to worry about making the income stretch to cover that broken A/C unit? Or robbing Peter to pay Paul and hoping Peter can hold off for another month?
And then there’s the economy. Maybe she’s never looked at a national debt clock and watched the numbers increase by thousands per second. She must never worry about retirement and how to save enough for it and must have never felt the gnawing anxiety from a less-than-secure job.
Does she even watch the news? Can you laugh at a future with ISIS on the march and releasing new video footage weekly? What kind of world will our kids inherit? Do the school shootings and the crime rate not cause her any fear at all? How do we even shepherd and protect our children in these times and in this shifting culture?
For many years, I shook my head in bewilderment that the Proverbs 31 lady could laugh at a future of complete unknowns or, worse, a future filled with looming issues.
This was clearly a woman who had tackled fear.
After Dan died, I found my thoughts racing with a whole new set of fears. And they didn’t seem that far-fetched. Far-fetched had become actuality when something that wasn’t even within the periphery of possibility had happened and Dan, with no signs or symptoms, was gone.
I found myself facing very real fears. One of the hardest was a great vulnerability I felt for my kids as their only parent left. I didn’t want to leave them; I wanted all of us together, fearful that something might happen that would leave them without any parent. I was worried about finances, about our future, about business issues that had been Dan’s domain and were now mine.
I feared how our kids would grow up. I’d known kids who did not deal well with the death of a parent and whose lives had become very painful. I knew the statistics for kids raised in a home without their dad. Man, we’d been on a good trajectory, but now? I was scared of how each of my kids would handle their grief, whether there would be long-term effects and whether they would be okay.
I quickly realized that these fears were going to completely shut me down. I needed to parent and I needed to process the grief and LIVE LIFE and I couldn’t do it under the constant burden of fear.
Fear is pervasive. All of us deal with anxiety or fear multiple times throughout the day and it affects nearly every area of our lives.
In my case, I realized that I had to very intentionally combat my fears. Over the next few posts, I’ll share what God taught me about getting rid of my fears. On Friday, I’ll share the one weapon that has made the biggest impact for me. But today I want to leave you with this:
We know fear is not of God. Fear God? Yes. Fear anything else? No. God promises us in His Word that He can deliver us from all of our fear. That promise is squarely in his will and He will do it.
I sought the Lord and He heard me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4
*Part 2: This was THE verse that helped me to fight my fears.
*Part 3: What Fear Steals and How to Take it Back
*Part 4: How to Cut Fear at its Roots
Hera says
Beautifully written post, thanks so much for sharing your insight. I’m looking forward to coming back and reading more. Much love & blessings to you!
Lisa Appelo says
Thank you for visiting!
amanda says
Oh, Lisa! How I needed this today. Please pray for a release of fear in my life. You continue to minister to me and witness to the awesomeness of God =) thank you
Lisa Appelo says
Amanda, I will most definitely pray for this. God will do it; be intentional to root it out. xo
beth willis miller says
Love this post, and am looking forward to your future posts…especially loved this quote, “I quickly realized that these fears were going to completely shut me down. I needed to parent and I needed to process the grief and LIVE LIFE and I couldn’t do it under the constant burden of fear.” Many blessings to you and your sweet family.
Lisa Appelo says
Thank you Beth. Yes, I was surprised how quickly my thoughts were dwarfed by fear. But God is good and able to deliver us even from that.
Sondra says
I am looking forward to reading the remainder of the posts! I have been battling fear for a few years now and every morning, I have to make a conscious decision to lay it down for the day.
Lisa Appelo says
Sondra, I can’t imagine the battle. You and your whole family do a great job of pursuing life to the full. I watched and admired it. 🙂
Beth says
Thank you Lisa for allowing God to use you so greatly! I’m continually blessed by your post! ,<3
Lisa Appelo says
Beth,we are continuing to pray for you!
Sheri Birchwood says
Thank you for your sweet, strong testimony. The Lord has been trying to teach me not to fear as well. He recently showed me the verse you noted, Psalm 34:4, and it suddenly hit me that He actually promises to deliver me from all my fears – even the fear of speaking about Him to others. I long to overcome this fear and boldly speak of the One who can deliver them as well!
Lisa Appelo says
Sheri, that’s a great verse (a great chapter!). God can equip and make our weaknesses strengths.
Jen Ferguson says
This is such a good reminder – I think we can all fall into that horrible trap of fearing the future and forgetting who God is and that He is sovereign. If we don’t allow Him to address our fears and surrender our lives to Him, we will be forever bound by the chains fear keeps us in.
Betty Turner says
This is definitely what I needed right now! Thanks Lisa for your posts!
Jedidja says
Beautifully written. Thanks for writing about this thema!
Jenny @ Women With Intention says
So encouraging! Thank you for sharing at Women With Intention Wednesdays! I look forward to what you will be sharing this week!
Donna Clowers says
Just found your blog today. I’m also a widow. In just a few days it will be 3 yrs. We were married 37 yrs. Without God I couldn’t have gone on. My heart is stronger now because of Him but I will never be the same. I depend on Jesus every second of my day. But I feel like Peter trying to walk to Jesus on the water. The second I take my eyes off him I sink back into fear & depression. I found Penterest on my phone a few months back & it seems every day I find a message from Him just for me. Today I found you. Thank you dear one! Thank you Lord!
Lisa Appelo says
Donna, I’m so sorry for your great loss. 37 years is a gift, but also so much love to grieve. Thank God that His everlasting arms catch us when we despair and when it seems too hard to bear. Praying for you now. xoxo
Patty Farmer says
Thank you for writing this, I have had many fears in my life, but the one that held me is my fear of driving. As a teenager, my mom took me out my very first day of my learners permit and we had an accident. God took great care of us, but my mom never let me drive again. I have been held in this fear all my life. Would you please pray for me that God would break this fear? I am a Christian and I love my Jesus so much and just don’t understand why I can’t overcome this. Thank you for your prayers!