Our story, Part I
For the last three years, I’ve clung to this name for God: Faithful and True. I mean, I’ve always known that God is trustworthy but I really didn’t get it until the summer of 2011.
That summer actually started really well. We were full throttle into summer activities and church trips and swim lessons when the bottom absolutely dropped out of life as we knew it. My husband and I had just returned from a business trip to the Keys. This was huge, because in our 25 years of marriage, we had only gotten away without kids a couple of times. But Dan had asked me to go and I had reluctantly agreed. Of course I wanted to go, but I had hesitated because, with 7 kids, it was complicated to try to leave even for a few days. Plus, we would return just in time for me to pack the family up and head out the next day to Maine for my parents’ 50th anniversary.
Our oldest son, then 20, had already left to work as a camp counselor for the summer in North Carolina. I am so very grateful that before he left, we planned some very intentional family time together. Our daughter, the next oldest, was a rising high school senior. We also had four energetic younger boys who were 16, 14, 12 and 6 years old and finally – praise the Lord – another little girl, who was 4. So yes, life was at full speed and it was good. Dan loved his job and was thriving in his work.
But I’m going to push pause right here. The next part still takes so much energy to express, so I’ll save that for tomorrow. For today, no tears. Just good memories of a good, busy, messy, happy, promising, full-color life.
Our Story, Part II: Boy Meets Girl
Our Story, Part III: Life Shattered
Our Story, Part IV: His Mercies Are New Every Morning