I’d love to serve you.
My passion is to encourage women to root deep faith in God so they flourish in life and have hope through the hard.
Each message is filled with scripture, stories and illustrations and specifically crafted to inspire women to live faith-filled.
- As a Bible teacher actively serving women in my local church, I get the needs, struggles and difficulties women are facing.
- That’s why my heart’s desire is for women to know the hope of Christ, to hunger deeply for God and to delight in His Word.
- I speak to a wide variety of groups including women’s events in church or on retreat; mom groups; youth and schools; and homechooling events.
I’m happy to tailor messages for your event or retreat theme. I’ve also threaded my testimony and a faith-inspiring message around many key verses such as Lamentations 3:22-23 and Psalm 18. You can read more about my story here.
*each retreat theme can be used for 2 – 4 sessions.
Faith in the Middle of the Story
Despite some popular claims, God will very much allow us to experience circumstances too hard to handle. After becoming a sudden widow, I told God this was too hard; I couldn’t do it. Yet this place of utter dependence is exactly the relationship God created us for. Psalm 27 provides the scriptural foundation to find our footing when circumstances are too hard, to fix our gaze on the God Who is for us and to see the end of our hope is the middle of God’s story.
This three- or four-session retreat starts as I share my story of circumstances too hard to handle, includes a powerful unveiling of God’s immeasurable faithfulness, and uses stories and hands-on illustrations to apply the rich truths of Psalm 27.
It is Well
What happens when life dishes up unexpected and unwanted circumstances? Lisa’s life fell apart when she went to bed happily married and woke up the next morning a widow and single mom to seven children. She wrestled with impossible questions about her future–and then found life-changing answers that gave her the strength to move forward with true joy. When we anchor our threadbare hope, we’ll see that our unexpected future is never God’s Plan B, but His purposeful Chapter Two as He reshapes what’s shattered.
FearLESS and FaithFULL
How in the world can the Proverbs 31 woman laugh at the days to come? Does she listen to the news? Does she understand all the what-ifs and what-mights for her family, her finances, her future? In a world filled with the unexpected, discover key scriptural truths and tools to crush fear, walk in joy and smile at the future.
Live Where You Are | Love Where You Are
One of the most popular single-session topics. When life dishes up unexpected or unwanted circumstances, can we still experience real joy? Yes! But it won’t just happen. Based on rich truths from the lives of Naomi and Ruth, along with stories and life application, we can learn not only to live where we are in circumstances we didn’t choose, but to love where we are.
Who is like our God? When we begin to grasp even the fringes of God’s wonder and majesty, it changes everything about how we live and how we abide. Using Psalm 91 as scriptural foundation, this session is a powerful discovery of God’s faithfulness, might, wisdom, presence and more that leads us to see it would be crazy not to trust Him.
She Laughs
How can the Proverbs 31 woman laugh at the future? Does she read the same news I do? Does she even know what could happen to her children? Her finances? Her health? When we apply three steps from 2 Corinthians, we too can learn to let go of the worry that paralyzes us and to smile at the future.
Life Hacks for Every Mom
God calls ordinary moms to eternal work. Applying seven lessons from Nehemiah, we’ll look at the obstacles, challenges and distractions that can derail and discourage moms from the vision God set before them and how to overcome them. Can be presented as one or two sessions.
“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper…” Isaiah 54:17 tells us. In this single session, Lisa shares her story along with the truth about weapons that form against us and how God allows us to prosper in the hard place.
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I’d love to talk further about serving you. For details, availability and speaker fees, you can reach me at lisa@lisaappelo.com.
“Lisa is one of my favorite speakers. She is a stellar teacher of God’s Word and incorporates very practical ways to apply the Word to our lives in her teaching. Each time I hear her speak I am encouraged to look for God’s faithfulness in my life and challenged to trust Him more. Lisa is a genuine treasure and will richly bless your heart!“
Beth N.
“Lisa is a gifted speaker and writer! . . . I have laughed and cried as she has shared from her heart what the Lord is teaching her. She is a woman of God and I am so thankful the Lord has given her a heart to minister to women and young ladies.”
Melissa W.