What is being brave for God, really?
Is it doing big things in big places? Is it conjuring up some deep-down self-empowerment so that we can step out boldly and brashly?
For the past few years I’ve been listening to all the voices that shout “to achieve your dreams for God you need to build your platform. Be seen. Be heard. Be an influencer.”
Certainly, God calls some of his followers to big platforms which require big bravery. But you know what? They started with being brave in the ordinary.
Billy Graham first preached at small churches and on city street corners before ever reaching millions through radio and crusades.
Elisabeth Elliot first ministered in the jungles of Ecuador before speaking and writing nationally.
Mother Teresa left her order to live among the poorest of India long before meeting queens and presidents.
God may call some of us to do big things in big places. But he calls all of us to do brave things in the ordinary places.
I love seeing this in Exodus, where God chose to use the bravery of four women in their ordinary places to oppose the super power of all Egypt.
I’m guest posting over at Crystal Twaddell’s about starting with brave in our ordinary places. Join me to read about these four ordinary women who God used to change history.
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