One of the first friends I met in the online blogging world was Arabah Joy. She’s a missionary in East Asia, wife and mom to four, but mostly, a broken woman redeemed by grace. It’s a joy to welcome Arabah Joy today.
Have you ever been so worn thin you weren’t sure how to even go on?
As a missionary, mom, and wife, I’ve been in that place many times. Today I’d like to share with you a little secret to hanging in there when the going gets tough.
But first I have to tell you that my husband recently talked me into training for a half marathon. {Because apparently, running until you feel like puking is something people suddenly want to do once they turn 40.}
I’ll be honest: I’m not extremely motivated to run. Several times a week. Come rain or shine. When it hurts. But somehow Jackson has convinced me to do it and I’m getting up in the mornings and jogging around my apartment complex.
One thing I quickly discovered is my need for basic instruction on how to train for such an event.
I mean, ten minutes into a run, I’m ready to quit the whole show. To eventually run 13.1 miles, I need a plan. I need someone who has done this before and knows how to successfully do it, tell me the novice what distance I should start with and how to incrementally increase it over time.
{And I also discovered I need a better pair of shoes.}
But with some good, basic instruction and the proper shoes, something that seemed overwhelming a few weeks ago looks and feels… well, doable. I actually feel ready to go, like I can do this. I’m equipped to train for a half marathon.
Except there’s one other little problem. I also need motivation.
To stay at this running thing, I need to see progress. I need to physically feel better. I need a sense of personal accomplishment. And until those things happen, I need my husband reminding me why hanging in there is worth it!
To continue anything long term requires motivation, especially when things get hard. Since spiritual results aren’t always immediate in our lives, we need a way to hang in there when the going gets tough and there is no immediate gratification for what we’re doing.
Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Let me show you how this verse can help with motivation and perseverance in tough times.
“Word of Christ” refers to the news about what Christ accomplished on your behalf. Most of us learned these things in Sunday School but here’s the thing: these truths are to dwell in us “richly” or “in a rich manner.”
These truths are GOLD… but if we don’t “allow” or “let” them enrich us, they don’t do us much good.
However, when we allow the truths about Christ to abide in us, we are enriched. Look at this screen shot from Mirriam-Webster:

Is this blowing your mind or what?!
God’s Word tells us that when we allow the truths about what Christ has done for us to dwell deeply in us, we are:
- adorned with beauty
- savory to others
- fertile ground/ able to bear crazy good fruit
- restored; as in, those things healthy and good that have been stripped from us are added back
- value-added; specifically, those desirable traits we lacked previously are added in so that we are suped up and more valuable than we ever could have been before.
Wow. That’s all I can say. WOW!
If that doesn’t motivate you to KNOW and CONSIDER these amazing truths on a regular basis, someone needs to take your pulse!
Listen friend, when you are worn thin and needing strength to hang on, what you need is to get to the gospel. Let it fill you up afresh. Let it enrich you. Saturate your heart and mind on the good news about Christ.
Sure, a vacation sounds blissful but it’s still short term. And sure, a girl’s night out could relieve the pressure for a few hours but it’s back to the grind tomorrow.
So sure what we’re talking about isn’t some quick fix. {Neither is running a half marathon.} But is it worth it? And can we do it? Absolutely, hands down no doubt about it!
So let’s do this, okay? Let’s encourage one another to live enriched. Not just jazzed up on coffee and Instagram and girl’s nights out to survive the hard times but truly and genuinely enriched, from the inside out.
Because come what may, we can. Thanks to the work of Christ and what He has done on our behalf, we can!

Nice to Meet you both at #Thought-ProvokingThursday! Excellent points about running- something I’m not so interested in either : P But a good thing to do. Even more grateful for your helpful reasons to get to the Gospel. Amen and amen!!
Thank you for visiting, Bethany. Yes, I’m pretty impressed Arabah’s training for the marathon!
thank you so much for sharing this today!
So glad to have Arabah Joy sharing as well.
Wonderful to see Arabah Joy on your blog, Lisa! She is a light! Thanks for sharing your story, Arabah, and for motivating us to run after the gospel, seeking to let the Word of Christ dwell RICHLY in us.
That’s a great verse, isn’t it Betsy? That the Word doesn’t just dwell, but inhabits us richly.
I love your sweet spirit Betsy, and your kindness. You are special. THanks for your encouraging comment here.
When I read the introduction I thought, “oh no, not another ‘super’ woman story – not today.”
But as I continued to read, the story drew me in because for the past few weeks, the words holding my thoughts captive have been: Get the proper training.
I have imagined Jesus standing at the open gate of His Kingdom beckoning me to enter. Then what? It is off to “boot camp” for training. (This adds a new dimension to train up a child in the way s/he should go!)
Thank you, Lisa, for posting this. How did you know???
The Holy Spirit is so good to speak to us!
Nann, your comment made me smile! Few of us are super women to be sure! Isn’t it great the way the Lord has made it? His strength is perfected in our WEAKNESS. Thanks for your comment, it was so encouraging to read.
Yes nourishing in hard times, needed direction , needed comfort, needed endurance, my son has schizophrenia so I need all the nourishing I can get to help him thanks for the encouragement
Debbie, that is a hard road that must wear you mighty thin on days. May God’s word give you nourishment for this day. xo
I’m praying for you today, Debbie. May the Lord enrich and nourish you in a special way. You are loved AND lifted to the throne. AJ
Hi, Lisa and Arabah! I am so thankful that you shared this encouraging word with Thought-Provoking Thursday! The word nerd in me loved the definitions, and this truly encouraged my spirit during a tough week. 🙂
Thank you, Lyli, for your Thursday linkup.
Hi Lisa and Arabah,
Thank you for sharing these needed words during difficult times. I was recently let go from my job and am feeling a lite lost and worn. I need the gospel to lean on and get me through my negative feelings about myself. Lisa,I have run a half marathon😊You should set up a calendar. Each week you should increase your mileage. When I had only two weeks I made sure to get in at least one 10 mile run during the week. Do not run a few days before or do a few short miles. Remember to stay hydrated.either have a bottle of water with, or make sure your route passes by places you can stop. to get a drink. Also if possible, if the race is on your area, try to run part of the course so you are familiar with it. Go girl!!
I’m so sorry you’re going through this Barbara. God’s Word is my only balm for exchanging those thoughts of fear or despair to God’s promises of hope and a future. So glad you can identify with Arabah’s marathon training. 🙂
Wonderful insight, and such a needed reminder that the ‘quick fixes’ only last a short time. I love the marathon visual – even though I am definitely not a runner:) Blessings!
I have been away for work all weekend. Not much time for my usual reading and quiet time. I am training to run a 5k – no mean feat with no running experience to speak of at 55. I am worn thin by my husbands redundancy. This article was written for me. For today. For right now. Thankyou.
So grateful, Carol. Best to you as you train!
Thank you for this encouragement, am attending a women’s bible study and learning a lot. Reading God’s word is helping me surrender my thoughts/feelings about my sleep and hot flash issues. Pressing on, knowing that God will work all this out in his timing
He will, Aimee! God’s word changes us in the best ways.