What a joy it was to sit down and talk about the faithfulness of God with Heather MacFayden of The God Centered Mom. Heather is a busy mom of four boys who are 3, 6, 8 and 10. Oh that takes me back just to write it!
As I shared our testimony of the last four years, Heather and I talked about a special prompting God gave me in those last days of marriage with Dan. It was a simple act of obedience for me which became a treasured grace from God. It was one of many graces laced throughout those last days and confirmation that God may not keep us from the hard, but His goodness is always present.
Heather and I talked about how to deal with fear – even reasonable fear — and I love the practical step she shared to flesh out the lies of fear. Heather asked about single parenting and how in the world to fill the gap left in a single parent family.
I felt a kindred heart with Heather, not just as a mom of a band of boys, but as women seeking to walk out life with God this side of heaven. She releases a new podcast each Monday at her site, The God Centered Mom, and you can also connect with her Facebook page.
I’d love for you to join us and listen to our conversation here.
P.S. Just thought you should know, even though it’s audio, I did do my hair and makeup. Cause you never know.
Frank Jarrell. says
Great interview. Great practical advice for parents.