Is anyone else doing a double take that it’s not only Monday but May already? My college kids are trickling home and we’re slowly transitioning to a summer schedule. Final exams are wrapping up and summer jobs will start soon. The days of sprinklers, popsicles and watermelon are just around the corner.
Today, on this #HelloHappyMonday, it’s a joy to welcome Betsy de Cruz. Betsy has a passion for studying the Word and a passion for making it practical and applicable to our every day.
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“Dear God, thank you because it’s not Monday anymore.”
For several years I listened and breathed a silent amen to my son’s prayer every Tuesday at breakfast. We always chuckled over that “Hallelujah, Monday’s over” prayer. Looking back now, I realize that I passed on to him my gloomy view of the first day of the work week.
You know that feeling when you start the week bleary-eyed after getting back home from a trip late Sunday night? I feel that way most Mondays, whether I went out of town or not. I don’t feel ready to get back to regular work and school routines, so I often start Monday morning with a vague sense of dread.
Do you ever feel the same way? Can I tell you what I’m learning?
We have so much to be grateful for on Mondays.
Each Monday brings a fresh start to a new week and one more 24 hour gift of life deposited right into our laps by the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Monday is one more chance to see God’s faithfulness. It’s one more day is to serve God and shine His light in our world.
I’ve decided to reframe Mondays into glory days.
In fact, I’m renaming the day Glorious and Grateful Monday. Care to join me? Sometimes we need a bit of extra self-talk when we start a new week.
Let’s look at David’s self-talk in Psalm 103:1-5
Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
David tells himself two things I need to remember, especially on Monday morning:
1. Praise the Lord.
God’s eternal, glorious nature doesn’t change just because I’m feeling tired or stressed out. He’s as worthy of praise on Monday as on any other day, so let’s give the day a makeover. Let’s make Monday glorious by focusing on praise and worship.
2. Remember His Benefits.
This Psalm reads like a bullet list of things David is grateful for:
- Forgiveness
- Healing
- Redemption
- Love and compassion
- Good things (I call these Extra Blessings.)
- Renewed strength
For the rest of the Psalm, David continues listing more blessings that are ours simply because we’re God’s children. Let’s make Monday grateful by remembering the benefits that come with our salvation.
What if we made a special effort to start each week well? Let’s give Monday a makeover by turning up our praise and thanks. Let’s make Monday glorious and grateful instead of gloomy.
Here’s a simple scripture journaling exercise to get started:
1.Write down Psalm 103:2
2. Read the rest of the Psalm and make a list of the benefits you see OR simply list blessings in your life that you are grateful for.
Now it’s your turn: What blessing are you grateful for today?
Betsy de Cruz enjoys God, life with teenagers, and dark roast coffee. She and her crazy nomad family are currently spending 9 months in Dallas, Texas, but they look forward to returning to Turkey, their favorite home. Betsy’s passion is to encourage women to get God’s Word in, so their faith can spill out, even during life’s bumpy moments. She writes about everyday faith at and you can also connect with Betsy on Facebook.
Lou says
Thank you so much! I needed this change of perspective!
Betsy de Cruz says
I’m so glad, Lou. I need that same change of perspective many a Monday morning. Blessings on your week!
Sharon Gause says
Thank you Lisa for the encouraging words – makes you stop and think of how blessed we are and most important, God’s faithfulness. Have a great day!
Betsy de Cruz says
Thanks so much for stopping by here today, Sharon. It’s an honor for me to guest post for Lisa. I hope you have a great week!
Nina Babcock says
Betsy…this is really, really good. A welcome slant on Mondays! So glad to hear how you are incorporating it idea that Monday is a beautiful day that our Creator has made! :0)
Not certain how I can obtain the book of 100 days with Jesus as I have requested it several
times. I am really interested in reading this.
My address is: Nina Babcock 5293 Heddings Rd Spencer IN 47460
May the days you spend in Dallas be just another learning tool to take back to Turkey when you return.
What we women need is more BOLDNESS, in our Savior and Lord! Bless you….for doing what you do!
Betsy de Cruz says
Thanks for the encouragement here, Nina. May God give you a great week! You are right. We need boldness!
Lisa will send you via email her 100 Days with Jesus. Did you look in your spam box? Sometimes when you subscribe to a blog, your email puts it in spam…Lisa’s on vacation, but will be checking in periodically. I hope you get this resource into your hands soon, it’s a great one!
Lisa Appelo says
Nina, did you receive an email with a link to download 100 Days with Christ? If not, I can send it to your email. ☺
Jennifer Ranger says
Thank you for reminding me of this Psalm! It’s just what I needed today!
Betsy de Cruz says
Blessings on your week, Jennifer!
Julie Sunne says
Wonderful message, Betsy! And I love the practical application of using the Psalm.
I’ve never been a gloomy Monday person, but I have had whining/complaining issues throughout the days. The Lord impressed on me years ago to appreciate each glorious new day. That’s one of the reasons I love mornings so much: everything is fresh and new!
Betsy de Cruz says
Amen, Julie! EVERY day’s a glorious day! I love mornings too. We have fresh rain here in Dallas this morning. Beautiful.
Dianne Thornton says
I love this, Betsy! This weekend I’ve been thinking specifically about the benefits of knowing the Lord. And this Scripture is a beautiful springboard for remembering them! Love you!!
Betsy de Cruz says
Love you too, Dianne. You’re a bright spot online. 🙂 (And I’m sure in real life too!)
Linda Stoll says
Dear Betsy, you’re heaven sent on this gloomy Monday. A lovely reminder for us to turn to God’s Word … and often! … for the right perspective we need so that gratitude can flow unhindered.
Betsy de Cruz says
Bless you, Linda! Thanks for that encouragement. We have rain and clouds here today, after about 2 weeks of the same, so I’m hanging on to my perspective here! Blessings on your week.
Nann says
One thing that jumps out at me regarding this — God is so gracious in that He gently, slowly changes us into His image. If we had to change everything “wrong” with us at once it would be so overwhelming! Jesus, so perfectly, brings us one step at a time. Changing your attitude towards Mondays just came to the top of the list 🙂 Now it is easy to see things differently – now is the perfect time!
Lisa Appelo says
So true, Nann.
Lyli says
My weekends in April were packed full, and Mondays have been especially hard to handle as of late. Your word here were right on time for me. Thank you for the nudge. xo
Betsy de Cruz says
Maybe that’s why I wrote this Lyli, for BOTH OF US! I had a trip every weekend in April, and yep, Monday gets a bit harder, doesn’t it? Let’s lean in closer to Jesus! 🙂 Praying for you now, for a better week rhythm and more joy and strength on MONDAY.
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
Step 1…read Betsy’s Monday makeover on Monday am. lol. Granted, I’m getting here a little late…but better late than never. Maybe starting each week reading Psalm 103 would be a good way to get me in the gratitude groove for the week?? May just need to do that. I often find that when I’m at my most weary point is when I need most to stop and give praise and thanks…I know it does my heart good. Thank you for a much needed reminder!
Alice says
Dear Betsy, thank you for the reminder that every day, God is worthy of our praise. Praising Him always draws us upward, even out of the mire of Mondays. Blessings to you and yours.
Michele Morin says
Betsy, Psalm 103 is one of my go-to attitude adjusting psalms, and I was even reciting it in the car yesterday to get my heart in the right place! Now, here you are with reinforcement! Thank you!
Betsy de Cruz says
Praying for that attitude adjustment to continue for you, Michele. Reciting scripture is such a good idea. I need those same attitude adjustments often. Like every hour maybe?
Jeannie Prinsen says
Your posts are always an encouragement, Betsy. So much of life depends on our perspective, doesn’t it?
Betsy de Cruz says
Yes it does, Jeannie. I so appreciate you, friend.
Mary Geisen says
Thank you Betsy for pointing me in a new direction with glorious Mondays. I have always dreaded Mondays, as a child, while I was teaching all those years and for some reason that feeling has carried over into retirement. Your idea is much needed and a blessing for me. Psalm 103 is a beautiful prayer to highlight praise and thanksgiving. Love this and am blessed by a new Monday outlook.
Betsy de Cruz says
You too, Mary? Maybe it comes with teaching? I’m a homeschooling mom, but have had similar feelings. Now on to a better and brighter outlook! Both of us!
Kelly Basham says
Mondays have never been my favorite either. Great reminder and exercise on turning our thoughts around to be thankful on Mondays! Thank you Betsy! And thank you Lisa for hosting her today!
Betsy de Cruz says
I hope the rest of your week goes well, Kelly. Blessings!
Kristi Woods says
What helpful ammunition for battling the Sunday night blues! (See? I have a name, too. But I don’t feel blue anymore with writing. 😉 And the new name for Mondays? My daily to do list, which I’ll be sharing as a download near the end of the year, has a “remember” section to recall those times the Lord healed, directed, provided, etc. I note 3/day. It’s time well spent. Thank for sharing your practical walk with Jesus, Betsy, and for sharing your space, Lisa. Love you girls!
Betsy de Cruz says
Thanks for the encouragement, Kristi. I can relate to Sunday night blues! That’s when I used to do my home school weekly planning, but I changed that, to make Sunday evening better. 🙂
Carly says
Great post! I actually quite like Mondays but I struggle a lot more with Tuesdays! It is good advice to take on board for any day though- there are always lots of things to praise God for and to give thanks for and it is important to remind ourselves of that and be intentional about looking for them.
Betsy de Cruz says
Yes, you’re so right, Carly, this makes any day better. Interesting you struggle with Tuesdays. May the Lord give you joy today.
Nicole says
I love how completely changed Mondays for me. I love this. I am so greatful for sleeping toddlers, and spring weather today.
Abby McDonald says
I love this idea, Betsy! I took me a while after having kids to realize worship and praise is a choice, and not something our flesh always wants to do. But it truly does change us. So glad to see you here at Lisa’s. And Lisa, thanks for hosting!
alisa says
Betsy, I love this! Praise the Lord, Remember His benefits. Such great reminders these days. Linking up with you at Grace & Truth!