How do we ever begin to summarize these 100 days we’ve spent with Christ? There is no synopsis I could write today that would do justice to the soul-changing impact of immersing ourselves for almost 15 weeks in every single bit of Christ’s earthly life.
We have walked the dusty, Galilean roads as a follower of Jesus. Some mornings, maybe you were like me — eager for his words, my heart quickening as he spoke into my soul and just wishing I could linger there with him.
Some mornings? It was all I could do to push aside a pulling to-do list and open dull ears and a lackluster heart to him.
But here we are – 100 days later — and we are different for having been with Jesus.
We’ve traveled with Jesus from village to Galilean village, listened to him teach the growing crowds, marveled at his connected compassion, that saw one when there were sprawling multitudes and inexhaustible needs.
We’ve stood in awe at his power again and again and again – oh, how could they not see! We saw him straighten and strengthen crooked legs, give sight to the blind, deliver from demons, mend a soldier’s ear, restore life to a best friend, arrest storms, wither trees, multiply loaves, cleanse the temple, debilitate death.
And forgive sin —
For one so desperate his friends cut a hole in the roof to get to Jesus.
For a woman caught in adultery.
For a common criminal on a cross.
For the apostle who’d deserted and denied him.
For the enemies who scorned and beat and nailed him to a cross.
For whosoever should believe in him.
We’ve seen his flawless obedience. Absolute surrender. Resolute submission. Infinite trust even as he was tempted, tested, rejected, deserted, forsaken.
We watched Jesus mentor and disciple his called, the beginning of his church.
We saw him serve – watched the Most High empty himself of his rightful exultation to become the servant, bending down to clean caked-on mud and dust from the feet of those he loved.
We saw his humanity . . . his friendships, his fatigue, his tears, his wrestling, his thirst, his anguish, his blood.
We saw his glory –
as he was transfigured with a luminescence none of the writers could adequately describe.
as he was anointed and lavished with an alabaster jar of costly perfume.
as the Resurrection and the Life.
as he was taken up into heaven in a cloud.
And yet Jesus’ ministry is not over. It lives on in us, his believers. We are the very hands and feet of Jesus.
He is Risen! It’s an ending and a beginning.
Jesus has left us a task —
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.
But, thank Goodness, we don’t do this alone. In this, too, we get to walk with Jesus.
Lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 (AMP)
Thank you for the gift of your time these 100 days. Your pictures, posts, texts and emails have blessed me to no end. I did this study last year on my own but it has been exponentially better doing this together this year.
**What was your favorite part of this study? What did you like most? What was one of your biggest takeaways? I’d love to hear in the comments!
Gretchen Fleming says
Yayyyy Lisa!! So proud of you for working so hard on this and making it available to others. 🙌🎉 What a labor of love for Christ you had and for the rest of us:) Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness!